Leading with Passion, Power, & Purpose

A collaborative experiential leadership learning opportunity with game industry experts,3D Designers, entrepreneurs, game researchers, and business executives.
Cooperative Strategy Games 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 required students to develop original cooperative leadership strategy games in which the whole team playing the game “wins” or the whole team playing the game “loses”.
They do not compete against another team; rather, cooperative strategy is about understanding how effective leadership teams are interdependent in which each member of the team controls a resource (knowledge, skill) that others need for the team strategic objective to succeed.
Examples of Students' Cooperative Strategy Games 2.1 & 2.2
Students Discover Power in their Voices via Leadership Game Design
Students learn about leadership skills in the MNGT 391 – Managing and Team Building and then they have to use those skills in their own team to develop an original game that is “playable”.
Game Storyline: Business and/or societal challenge team must solve
Player Roles with "Superpowers": Game designers create player characters who each control unique valuable tangible and intangible resources (e.g., “superpowers”) that other player characters do not have; thus, they must use these powers effectively to be successful.
What Game Designers Created
Students develop original games (with all the necessary game pieces/elements), play the game, videotape themselves playing the game, and develop an instructional guide to play the game.
The instructional guide requires them to apply all they have learned about braining modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and brain dominance (concrete sequential, concrete random, abstract random, and abstract sequential).
The Facilitation Guide is a “Train the HR” trainer in how to then “debrief” the game by helping employees to understand what leadership skills they have learned/used and how it applies to the competitive industry environment and company in which they are working.
Inspiration for Cooperative Leadership Strategy Games
With the rise of Gen Y and Gen Z, some companies with whom I had been talking pre pandemic were asking me about ideas to motivate/engage this generational make-up in their workforce, which led me to researching gamification as leadership training method. To teach team leadership, I used “cooperative strategy games” ---the entire team either wins or loses by achieving the objective or not. Then I help students “de-brief” the game experiences to become self-aware of the leadership skills they learned and applied (team roles, creative problem-solving, meetings/influence/negotiation/persuasion, performance evaluation, power, resources, conflict, etc.).
For Spring 2022, about 60 students became leadership game designers:
Bankrupt by The Bandits Game Designers – Amel, Jessica, Orhan, Christopher, Jeffrey, Abass
Plain Sight by Alliance Game Designers – Ryan C., Jasmine, Dylan, Marvin, Andrew
Krakatoa by Josh, Devin, Brady, Arvin, Matt, and John
Escape Andromeda by Diamond Development Game Designers – Ryan B., Michael, Tom, Jackson, Alex, and Shane
Breakout by The Aces Game Designers – Samantha, Bennett, Ryan, Amaiya, Tyler, and Paris
Museum Heist by Game Designers: Graceann, Maureen, Emily, David, and Harrison
Escape Death Row by MASJAR Game Designers: Ayden, Michael, Jordyn, Ashley, Richard, Stephen
Tiger Trouble by Game Designers: Jason B., Sarah Blanton, Kathleen, Mackenzie, and Geylani
Prison Escape: The Team Escape by Precision-Based Game Designers Megan, Kayla, Matthew, Andrew, and Conner
Mission Impossible by Game Designers – Abigail, Allison, Alex, Austin and Justice
Experts in Gaming Industry & Research as Collaborating Partners
Gaming leadership experts share their expertise in class about how cooperative strategy games are developed, characteristics of high-quality games, what is happening in the Gaming Industry, and leadership strategies students can use to develop their cooperative strategy player team characters, actions, and superpowers.
These strategies are all built on the leadership concepts/ chapters we are now working on negotiation, decision-making, creative-problem solving, and project management. Mr. Ryan Bruns and Dr. Gabrielle Swab meet with the students’ multiple times during the semester to teach them about how cooperative strategy games are developed, what companies are looking for, and how entrepreneurs take their games to market. Their expertise includes:
Mr. Ryan Bruns, Gaming Industry Executive
Executive Leadership Experience: MayDay Games as President for seven years and Queen games as Chief Operating Officer and head of North America sales. He is currently working as an account manager for Off Duty Ninja, a Marketing firm for the board game industry while developing games for his new company - Jalapina Games.
Education: Computer Science, Utah State University.
Began his career as a land surveyor for a civil engineering firm for sixteen years while board gaming as a hobby. However, gaming turned into an entrepreneurial endeavor when he started an online store, Boardgameuy.com
Dr. Gabby Swab, PhD, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship & Management
Expert in the interplay of competition and cooperation in new venture teams. She frequently conducts her entrepreneurship research in the tabletop game industry, where she founded and manages The Board Game Fempire, a resource for academics and gamers to connect and share knowledge
And more expert introductions coming soon...
Cooperative Strategy Games Highlights:
Article in CBE Business Dialogue (Spring 2020) about the project during the pandemic: “Innovative Gamification Project Teaches Team Leadership”:https://wp.towson.edu/businessdialog/2020/05/20/innovative-gamification-project-teaches-team-leadership/
Over 200 students have developed 36 original cooperative strategy games (26 of which were developed in completely remote online synchronous learning environments that they were not originally planned for
3-D Printing Opportunities for MNGT 391 Student Game Designers
Be the Visionary - 3-D Printing to Bring your Game Pieces to "Life"
Dr. Lebron worked with Mr. David Marino, 3-D Printing Expert to develop a special 3-D Printing Workshop for students enrolled in Spring 2022 MNGT 391 course sections to 3-D Print their game pieces as an optional opportunity. Two game design teams decided to 3-D Print their game pieces for Tiger Trouble and Escape from Death Row (pictured on right at the 3-D printing lab on April 14, 2022). They came to the workshop with sketches of the game pieces they wanted to print. Mr. Marino taught them how to use free software Tinkercad to design the 3-D pieces and then print it. They learned about design thinking-iterative design, rapid prototyping (lo-def to high-def), Tinkercad (interactive demo - see Tinkercad.com), 3-D printing, and Mass Production.
Pictured: Mr. David Merino, 3-D Expert, teaches students Ayden and Jamie how to design and 3-D print their game pieces to the 3-D printer behind them. Aaron, in the white shirt, is holding up a tiny playing piece for the game of a “security tape with the word ‘Towson’ on it to go with their game called “Tiger Trouble”).
Summaries of Student Internships
As CBE was in need of faculty to help out by designing and supervising students during the Pandemic for internships and independent studies, I designed a new internship around the idea of empowering leadership voices via gaming and leadership consulting. The following internships were developed:
Empowering Diverse Voices Through Gamification & Video Technology
Fall 2020: Giovanna Barbaro (BUSX 460)
Fall 2020 Julie Ayele Aytabi (BUSX 460 & MNGT 495)
Igniting Passion in Student Leadership Voices in 2021” Internship
Spring 2021: Kayla Mathis (BUSX 460)
Leadership Experiences in a Pandemic- A Multimedia Journey
Fall 2020: Lynnie Reed (BUSX 46)
A particular highlight of the internships was when Julie, Giovanna and I interviewed the game designers from Space Race, w ho designed an original cooperative strategy game (including a website) during the first semester of the pandemic. We videotaped the interview and are using the recording to co-develop a leadership series in the future.
More than 500 students have worked with 38 companies and non-profit organizations to consult on leadership challenges their companies faced. Some of the companies and non-profit organizations they assisted included:

Link to Descriptions of Winning Portfolios
Impact: 75 students designed 210 social media posts to influence positive leadership change in 2021 and beyond
Fall 2021 Semester-Long Experiential Learning Project.
Students were asked “What is a change you want to make happen in 2021?” It can be anything from being offered a new job, internship, promotion to educating others about an issue for leaders to understand in 2021. This assignment assesses your communication, influencing, and transformational leadership knowledge and skills; specifically, what makes you uniquely powerful and influential in 2021/22? How do others, including companies, influence you? How do you influence others? Our unprecedented global pandemic has forced companies to innovate to influence perceptions effectively. Companies are more likely to hire those who are skilled in leading and evaluating valued perceptions during unprecedented uncertainty.
Social Media Content Creator as Collaborating Professional Expert Partner
Dr. Lebron collaborated with Dr. Anne Valentino (a professional content writer and social media strategist) to develop a new project that helped 70 students learn about the power in their leadership voices. In this semester-long project, Dr. Valentino met with students and taught them the top 14 rules that she and Dr. Lebron created for effective social media leadership influence in 2021. Students developed a social portfolio using these rules, then evaluated/graded themselves on each of these 14 rules. Dr. Valentino selected the top 3 posts for each of the 2 sections for a free social media evaluation in 2022. She and Dr. Lebron are writing a blog to promote the leadership impact the students had. Dr. Valentino provided 75 students with specific feedback.
Dr. Lebron contacted Provost Perreault to ask if the class could help her with a real-world leadership challenge she was facing. Provost Perreault worked with Dr. Lebron on the below assignment, and she met with the class twice during the semester to answer questions. Further, she evaluated all teams’ portfolios and listened to their online presentations.
SUMMARY: Do the same rules for Gen Z recruitment, engagement, & retention apply in 2021? Our unprecedented global pandemic forced company leaders to innovate in addressing new recruitment and retention challenges. Your leadership challenge is…create 6 new rules for Gen Z Recruitment & Retention in 2021-22. Companies are more likely to hire and promote those who are knowledgeable and skilled in leading Gen Z for high-performing outcomes during unprecedented times; therefore, this assignment will give you knowledge and expertise that you can use in applying for new job opportunities and/or advancement.
LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE: Graduating high school seniors and college students have been learning remotely in combined asynchronous and synchronous online environments for a year during our Covid-19 global pandemic. TU is going in-person learning in Fall 2021. Imagine and propose an motivating innovative new recruitment & retention strategy for Gen Z students who have been learning in a remote learning environment in a pandemic for a year.
New “Recruiting Rules for Gen Z Marketing Strategy” -Using your 3 new recruiting rules for 2021/22, design an innovative marketing strategy for recruiting new freshmen and transfers who have “never set foot on TU’s campus.”
New “Retention Rules for Gen Z Engagement Strategies” – Using your 3 new retention rules for 2021/22, design an innovative strategy to engage and retain new freshmen, transfers, and current students (e.g., those who may have taken a semester off).
Each of your new rules, strategies, and program ideas must:
Meet Gen Z needs and wants in 2021/22. Remember - motivating Generation Z to come to TU is based on meeting both what needs they have that must be met AND influence their decision-making process that deciding to come to TU is the "ultimate best" decision to make to meet these needs.
Be supported with illustrative examples from social media (e.g., influencers, competitors, etc.) and research data that further support your ideas.
Be implemented with current TU resources (you must show how these ideas can be implemented with current resources)
Include quantitative performance metrics that show how your strategies will lead TU from current problem (Point A) to solution (Point B) by 2022.
Provide specific strategies for in-state vs. out-of-state students.
Visionaries & Thought-Leaders" Leading & Inspiring Change Speaker (FA 20, FA 21)
Mr. Samuel Cachola was this Year's 2020 “Thought-Leaders" Leading & Inspiring Change Speaker .On Monday, 11/30/20, Mr. Cachola was an online virtual speaker for the class. He shared the "truth" behind his success. Prior to the talk, students watched videos to learn about Mr. Cachola’s success and had to analyze what made him influential. They then prepared questions in advance of the talk, answered questions about the video, and were invited to make a 3–5-minute video at the end of the semester about the “leadership lesson” they learned and how it applies in their real-life in 2021.
Innovative & Ethical Service-Disabled Veteran & Minority Owned Small Business Owner
Real Estate and Personal Finance Subject Matter Expert Who Helps Changes Lives
Founder, Broker, ABR, CRS, Real Estate Artisan™, Creator of "Caremenship™, vice Salesmanship" of Reality Realty Professionals
Father, Marine Combat Veteran, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist & Community Leader
Retired Intelligence Community Leader w/25 years of Global & Diverse Experiences
Certified Realtor, Financial Counselor, Polygraph Examiner & Counterintelligence Agent
Recipient of many National, DoD, Intel & Local Awards for Leadership & Innovation
Kayla Mathis, a student in the course, then was an intern for me in Spring 2021, and is collaboratively developing a “video leadership lesson” that will be about her lesson she learned.
YouTube Channel: “Leadership Motivation with Dr. Mar” -YouTube Channel
Developed for first time a YouTube Channel (Spring 2020) to role model for students in SP 20, FA21, FA20, SP 21, and SP22 the necessity of taking creative risk in our unprecedented pandemic world. Revised/Enhanced YouTube course channel to provide resources, motivate creative problem-solving, and role-model creative use of technology in our virtual workforce to prepare students to be competitive in our job market today. This channel is “live’ and in ongoing development as resource to train teams innovatively in a remote environment.
Evidence of Impact: Channel Analytics (YouTube) In 44 days since the channel launched (March 22, 2020 - May 6), this channel made a significant impact as evidenced by these analytics:
Total views: 1400
Video Views:
Dr. Lebron Welcome to a Re-Imagined Virtual World: 227views
MNGT 391- Cooperative Strategy Games 2.0: 262
Innovative Leadership Infographics & What is Design Thinking: 200 views
Design Thinking & Innovation in Leading a Multigenerational workforce “Design Your Team with Regent Solutions” – Students had designed the video in Spring 2019 and it has been used with their permission in each class. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfWBCKo8zd0
Designed by David Stein, James Wirebach, Morgan Pullin, Justen Brown, simi Molina, Jillian Phelps (used in 2020-2021 classes)
Virtual Job Interviewing
Virtual Team Building Activities:
Creative Virtual Presentations (PPT):
Examples of Cooperative Strategy Team Building Games by Students:
Creative Presentation Ideas:
TU- Learning New Technology:
Collaborate Ultra in Blackboard:
Problem Members on Virtual Teams:
Artificial Intelligence:
Social Media Leadership Influencers: -Submitted by Students
Innovative Leadership Infographic (Fall 2020)
Format: Asynchronous Online Course
The assignment “Innovative Leadership Infographic (ILI)” had students develop an original creative infographic using free software at Venngage.com. A staff member was available from 5-9pm Monday-Friday to assist students with this assignment. Students could submit the assignment via the Venngage.com platform and Venngage transferred it to my account at Venngage or they could follow the directions given to them so they could save/submit the assignment on the Discussion Board. These infographics were all put together in a slideshow for all students to view at the end of the semester.
What is an “Innovative Leadership Infographic (ILI)”? How can infographics help students in 100% online courses understand their unique, innovative leadership voice? How can free creative technology resources help students learn how to effectively influence leadership perceptions? Without face-to-face real-time interactions, we innovate to effectively translate benefits of in-person feedback that students experience in classrooms into cyberspace learning environments. The ILI creatively inspires students to present their leadership stories in an impactful, visually engaging way bringing the human uniqueness to life. The ILI was the final assignment for an online Leading, Learning and Change innovative leadership course. Students feared innovation would lead to failure, but through the ILI they answered the call- “Who are you? What makes you a uniquely different leader than others?” In the end, their creative leadership infographics now being shared throughout social media.
Leadership/Educational Change-Management Consultant (invited) W.P.Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
Invited to bring all 8 academic disciplines at the WP Carey School of Business together to design/implement a required new student online asynchronous course to teach 4000 students about business and societal change in our current world.
(#1 in U.S. for Innovation; #1 Online undergraduate business programs, #3 graduate business programs. # 24 undergraduate business programs, #30 full-time MBA programs) Best Business Schools (U.S. News/World Report).